Must-Have Classroom Items & Decorations

Peek Inside My Classroom

I love decorating my classroom. This room has been a process and changes throughout the year, but here is a list of some of my favorites and must-have items for the classroom!

BRICK WALLPAPER- Red Brick Color: this was super easy to put up and completely changed the feel of the room!

TRICERATOPS HEAD- This is just one of the MANY dinosaurs I have on display in my classroom, but it is definitely my favorite! It was very easy to hang up, there is one screw in the wall and it has stayed up for over a year now.

LETTERBOARD- I couldn't find the exact one, but this links to one that is the same size and has the same letters! (yes I changed this the second I could get back into my classroom so I wouldn't forget😂)

DRY ERASE CONTACT PAPER: I LOVE THIS STUFF! I covered my countertops and cabinets with dry-erase contact paper. The counters serve as an additional workspace for my students and I use the cabinets to draw diagrams, give instructions for stations, and write motivational quotes! The other cabinets are covered in CHALKBOARD CONTACT PAPER and use chalk markers to write on them!

BOXWOOD "LIVING" WALL: I have a love/hate relationship with the traditional front table in my room. I had these panels on a side wall last year but decided to move them to refresh this table over the summer. I used these COMMAND HOOKS to hang each panel. I also use these hooks to hand the café lights and portions of the LED strip lights near the connectors.


Y'all, I hate fluorescent lights.... so I don't use them. I added café lights last year and it completed changed the feeling of the room. This year I gave in and got the LED strip lights! They are going to be such a great addition to add some fun every day but also add to our transformation days! 

The whole back wall of my room is full of south-facing windows and we get TONS of light each day! I love these curtains and they do a great job of blocking out the light. 

PENCIL SHARPENER: The best pencil sharpener! It sharpens quickly and quietly and stops as soon as the pencil is sharp. My students actually complained when we got it that it was too fast and they couldn't just stand there for a long time. 😂 The best part? The blade is super easy to replace if needed!

FUTON: I added this to my classroom last summer to give my students an alternative place to do their work. It turned out to be a great addition to my room! 

SCIENCE PILLOW COVER: I love this cover, it is so fun! I have a RUG (in white) that matches it with a darker background. The other pillows I found at HomeGoods, they're outdoor pillows and super easy to clean!

I LOVE GROOT! I have two of these planters and plan on getting more. They have multiple styles on Amazon!

COLORED BINS: I use these for Interactive Notebook storage, Data Binder storage, and for all the things in the science closet! Target and Walmart carry these throughout the year, but you can find the "fun" colors during the back-to-school/college move-in time. They also hold hanging file folders!

SILVER BINS: I found these at Dollar Tree and love them for storing materials my students need! 

Motivational signs and pictures! And of course, PLANTS! Signs are from Simply Stained Shop, Target, TJ MAXX (Don't Mess With Mother Earth by Maria Filar), Hobby Lobby, and gifts! 


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